In the Name of God
Nowadays, the transformation and development of the companies and industrial organizations in very complicated world of business to reach unlimited areas is inconceivable. Any neglect may lead to fall behind of global trend and will cause recession. Making use of the tools of science management, utilization of successful experiences and enough practice for preparing and using of strategic planning are known as the best methods.
Strategic planning is one of the main duties of the leaders. Of course, the plans should be designed and prepared based on team-working through a sound process, using think tanks supported by experts and take advantage of cooperation of all staff and consideration of using experiences of the other companies.
Excellence is an infinite route and the companies which stridden this way, try to use excellence models and vital benchmarks in order to reach a continual improvement of their performance to increase efficiency and provide multilateral satisfaction of all stakeholders.
In order to step toward the Company's vision and reach objectives, it is worthy to consider some main questions such as: Where are we? What do we want? What would be the priorities and main activities to reach the objectives? Which structures should be selected for the Company to reach the set objectives? ...
For sure, the diligent and sincere effort of all staff in preparing and performing of "Strategic Plan" and helping the Company to implement the plan would be highly appreciated.
Managing Director